class: right, middle, title-slide .title[ #
Extending Rmarkdown
] .subtitle[ ##
] .author[ ###
.inst[nicolas.casajus at] ] .date[ ### .inst[Mardi 29 novembre 2022] ] --- ## Table of contents .medium[ .pull-left[ 1. Tips and Tricks - Child - `knitr::read_chunks()` - params - Figures & Tables ] .pull-right[ **Output formats** - Reports (`HTML`, `PDF`, `DOCX`, `GitHub Document`) - Presentations (`xaringan`, `reveal.js`, `PPTX`) - Scientific articles (`rticles`) - Websites (`blogdown`, `distill`, `pkgdown`) - Books (`bookdown`) - Dashboards - GitHub Pages (for HTML outputs) **Bibliography** - RStudio & Zotero - Zotero styles - `nocite: '@*'` **Theming** - Default themes - Extensions - Custom blocks **Miscellaneous** - Break list `<!-- end -->` - Hard line break `\ `, `<br>`, `\newline` ] ] --- ## Chunks options Usual way: ````r ```{r 'chunk-name', echo=FALSE, fig.width=10, fig.cap='This is a long long long long caption.'} x <- 1 + 2 print(x) ``` ```` ``` ## [1] 3 ``` -- <br> Alternatively: ````r ```{r} #| 'chunk-name', #| echo = FALSE, #| fig.width = 10, #| fig.cap = 'This is a long long #| long long caption.' x <- 1 + 2 print(x) ``` ```` ``` ## [1] 3 ``` .medium[
Quarto uses this syntax] --- ## Global chunks options Do not repeat same chunk options values across all chunks. Use instead a general chunk that will provide default values for all chunks. ````r ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, fig.width = 10, fig.height = 8, ...) ``` ```` -- <br> You will be able to change locally (for specific chunk) the default value: ````r ```{r 'chunk-name', echo = TRUE} 1 + 3 ``` ```` ```r 1 + 3 ``` ``` ## [1] 4 ``` --- ## Rmd with others languages .pull-left[ **R code** -
````r ```{r} person <- "Jane Doe" paste0("Hello, ", person, "!") ``` ```` ``` ## [1] "Hello, Jane Doe!" ``` ] --- ## Rmd with others languages .pull-left[ **R code** -
````r ```{r} person <- "Jane Doe" paste0("Hello, ", person, "!") ``` ```` ``` ## [1] "Hello, Jane Doe!" ``` **Bash code** -
````r ```{bash} #| engine.path='/bin/bash' person="Jane Doe" echo "Hello"$person"!" ``` ```` ``` ## Hello, Jane Doe! ``` ] .pull-right[ **Python code** -
````r ```{python} #| engine.path='/usr/local/bin/python3' person <- "Jane Doe" f"Hello, {person}!" ``` ```` ``` ## 'Hello, Jane Doe!' ``` **Ruby on Rails code** -
````r ```{ruby} #| engine.path='/usr/bin/ruby' person = "Jane Doe" puts "Hello, " + person + "!" ``` ```` ``` ## Hello, Jane Doe! ``` ] -- ```r Sys.which("python3") ## Locate the Python3 engine (binary) ``` ``` ## python3 ## "/usr/local/bin/python3" ``` --- ## Rmd with others languages A smarter approach: use the global chunks options of `knitr`. ```r ## Global options ---- knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.path = list(python = "/usr/local/bin/python3")) ``` -- <br/> And then, ````r ```{python} person <- "Jane Doe" f"Hello, {person}!" ``` ```` ``` ## 'Hello, Jane Doe!' ``` --- ## Resources .medium[ - [**R Markdown Advanced Tips**]( <br/>
Video by **Tom Mock** - [**Meta RMarkdown - Taxonomy and Use cases**]( <br/>
Blogpost by **Tom Mock** - [**R Markdown Cookbook**]( <br/>
Online book by **Yihui Xie et al.** - [**R Markdown: The Definitive Guide**]( <br/>
Online book by **Yihui Xie et al.** - [**Dynamic Documents with R and knitr**]( <br/>
Online book by **Yihui Xie** - [**blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown**]( <br/>
Online book by **Yihui Xie et al.** - [**bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown**]( <br/>
Online book by **Yihui Xie** ] --- ## Custom blocks .pull-left[ **In the `.Rmd` file** ``` ::: {.box-info} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at mattis libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus... ::: ``` ] .pull-right[ **CSS style** ```css p { padding: 1em; margin: 20px 0; background: #DDECF6; border: 1px solid #CEE9F2; border-radius: 10px; color: #487997; border-left: 5px solid #487997; } ``` ] <br> .center[![:scale 75%](img/custom-blocks.png)] .medium[Example: <****>]